

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Truth That Is ... Part I of V

Imagine for a moment...the ability to earn fame, fortune, appreciation and awe of your peers. It can take some years, but it merely needs your cooperation. The slithering concept of these desires are teased to you - by a win from a string of failures. It can capitulate from a stage where a singing competition reigns supreme, to a cooking show were the winner wins, well, everything.

Imagine that wherever you looked, a form of symbolism was embedded. From the shape of buildings, to the communication between celebrities. And, definitely to your television programming. Programming is the imperative word here.

What if a group that was once so secret, so impossible to touch is now blossoming from its shadows. Reborn with a new identity that emerges from the skin of old to encompass puppets. Human puppets. To demonstrate desire, need and want. To have others salivate at the prospect of material richness. To soak in the aspect of sex so glorious with numerous partners, to bite into food so spoiled by the best ingredients, it makes commonality seem piteous.

Then in a snap, it's all gone.

Imagine the levels of promise people will be willing to take to have it again. Hunger so deeply trained to want the riches, the fame, the unbridled temptation falling like a wild waterfall over your being. Millions have compromised their very concept of humanity to immerse into a game that is known as two powerful words.

The Illuminati.

For years, this seemingly mythical group has plagued the promise of fortune, wealth and utter dominance. Once so hidden, they have discovered a much greater tool of deliverance.

Your television.
Your radio.
Your video games.
Your idols.

No, there is no reason to hire the local priest and spray your home with sage and start searching the Bible for answers. The greater chance of hope is merely being aware. Your awareness is the greatest defender and the greater weapon against deceit and fabricated lies, hidden beneath that facade of promise.

What/Who Is the Illuminati?

This is where fuzzy, deception and distractions become key. If you're smart and tend to read past the veil of nonsense, the fact-o-meter on the Illuminati would go blazing to Fact. 

The Illuminati was developed during the 18th century as a society of affluent thinkers, philosophers and others who demonstrated a resistance of the Roman Catholic philosophy. This group promoted the promise of raising women to equals - thus calling those within the sect, enlightened. The original founder points to Adam Weishaupt.

Weishaupt was harshly critical of the Church and showed interest in the Freemason lodges. The one aspect that stopped Weishaupt from joining the Freemasons was their wide, publicly known stances. Weishaupt wanted a movement that was silent but effective.

Enter the Order of the Illuminati.

This Order, although seemingly new had ties connected to an age-old group - the Knights Templar. This connection of darkness only seems to grow further each new generation (see illustration at top for a basic review of the structure).

Prominent officials wanted into this private sect, many defecting from their Freemason lodges to join this new kid on the block. In the 1700s, Carl Theodore sought to ban all secret societies, rooting out the private member list of the Illuminati.

This is where history becomes muddled.

Rumors suggest the public destruction of the Illuminati was merely surface deep, and the group survived. This could be found in the 1802 release of Proofs of the Real Existence, and Dangerous Tendency, Of Illuminism. Since the sect appeared to have survived, it has lead into the modern day review of the Illuminati, which appears to have branches of levels and organizations with the heart of the sect remaining pure. And, darkly evil. In the center of this culture - the sway of being enlightened has captured a darker presence to lead to the goal - it has reached for dark powers, reportedly, Lucifer.

The group wanted to dominate in a culture that is embedded deep into society, but it needed something more. It was time to wake the dark beast, to star growing, to begin its master plan of dominance. It needed a boost of dark energy to make this dream come to fruition.

This is where many can attribute the growing list of "puppets," such as celebrities being used to further the agenda of the Illuminati. In the foundation of the sect, many point to the father of the dark, High Priest Anton Szandor LaVey. Many account to LaVey's involvement that altered the fabric of the Illuminati to mean more than just promoting equality, it now was bringing a darker world to the sect to encompass those who wished to succeed in stardom.

In 2006 Leo Zagami stepped from the shadows and stated he was a 33rd degree Freemason, who broke away from the sect to release the truth of the Illuminati, which was powered by the dark words and dark world of LaVey.

This subject is greater than most will ever be able to comprehend. It has twists and turns which seem to be a scattered, controlled chaos. In these parts, we will try to piece the fabric of the truth that is.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Falling Down the Rabbit Hole

In recognizing the evil happening in the world, it's discovered that bad people want to stop good people. Our parents are baby boomers, our children the next generation. Our toddlers are growing up entrenched in technology and may they fully expose the tip of the iceberg, discovered by our awake generation.

The truthers are so many, that the government is implementing ways to draw them out, marking them as "domestic terrorists." Have a thought that does not convey with the government? You may not be a red-neck, but you are a terrorist, in the eyes of this monopoly.

Occupy groups upset the government so much, it spawned the original idea to promote domestic terrorism. After all, how dare a group of concerned citizens use voice and anger to drive an idea?! Certainly, agree or disagree with their agenda, who gives a shit?! They have a right to demand change, it's America, damnit! See a below for an excerpt from the FBI (federal bullying intentions):

Significant political events and scheduled international and economic meetings combined with ongoing economic concerns create the potential for greater volatility within domestic extremism in 2012 than existed in the previous year. While all domestic extremist movements pose a threat, the following potential outcomes are especially relevant in the current environment:
Election-related events heighten the opportunity for anarchist extremism in 2012.
The 2012 election process may revitalize recruitment efforts for the white supremacist extremist movement.
Militia extremists are expected to continue targeting law enforcement and government officials in response to any recently enacted legislation that is perceived as infringing on their constitutional rights.
White-collar crime by those in the extremist “sovereign citizen” anti-government movement who exploit the housing crisis could continue if the housing sector of the economy remains weak in 2012.
Environmental extremists may engage in criminal activity—including the destruction of property—if they perceive that legislative efforts to protect and preserve the environment are ineffective or unsuccessful.
Over the next year, domestic extremists are likely to maintain the intent and capability to pose a persistent threat involving smaller-scale bombings, assaults, firearms and explosives violations, arson, white-collar crime, threats, and other violations of federal law. The FBI will continue to enhance its crucial partnerships with federal, state, local, tribal, and foreign law enforcement agencies; other members of the U.S. intelligence community; and the private sector to combat the unrelenting threat of domestic terrorism.

So, the lesson here? Have a thought outside the acceptable level of sheephoodism and be punished as, well, a terrorist.  In addition, to this lunacy of the federal government (you know the ones we the people pay for?) there is a new rising threat against us. The Fusion Centers. These dandy tools of corruption are intended for purposes that are pretty dark.

They want YOU to report your neighbor. They want YOU to advise of a minority report. Yes, indeed, report a crime you think may happen, but hasn't. They also love to waste OUR money:
The Department of Homeland Security estimates that it has spent somewhere between $289 million and $1.4 billion in public funds to support state and local fusion centers since 2003, broad estimates that differ by over $1 billion.  The investigation raises questions about the value this amount of funding and the nation’s more than 70 fusion centers are providing to federal counterterrorism more HERE
Things we have learned today:

  1. Speak out against the government - get labeled as a terrorist.
  2. Have a bitchy neighbor who gets mad because you hold Libertarian or Voluntaryist meetings? Get reported to a Fusion center and see #1.
  3. The government wants us to pay them, for them to use those funds to restrict our abilities to make movements in society. Because, it always makes sense for us to pay a government that earns 6 figures per politician to go behind closed doors, slap labels on us and punish us. As we pay for it. 
For those who like to remain blind, deaf and dumb because it's's not. Look at your bank account, look at the millions of families struggling. Now, look at the politicians, their campaign costs, their inability to connect with any one citizen. They want us to turn against one another to complete their plot. Next post will touch on that.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Stripping Down Obamacare? It's About Time

Calamity stormed the Hill as the House discussed ways to save their own asses from more failure than current trend shows. The end result? Let's get the direct information from USA Today:
The House voted 230-189 along party lines Friday to approve a stopgap spending bill to fund the federal government through mid-December, but it is facing certain defeat in the Senate because it includes language aiming to dismantle President Obama's health care law.
For once, the Republicants may had included language I agree with. Partially. That is stripping down Obamacare to the ultimate wrong it is. For far too long Liberals have waved their flags of  "healthcare coverage for all! Free for all! Kids until 23 can stay! Yay!" Yet, they question little else in the over 1300 page bill. Acceptance based on surface deep review is so...sheeple.

Okay, it's time for a game of "Guess who said that?!" Are you ready?

 America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.
Insert Jeopardy music and consider your answer. If you said Obama, you would be 100 percent correct! Talk about the man in the mirror, how does foot taste for a Saturday brunch? Obama has continuously, and embarrassingly demonstrated how silly, lame and unintended promises can bite you in the ass. Now, it looks like members of the House want to strip down the biggest fallacy; Obamacare. 

Yes, from the 1300+ pages of these bill, the happy left-wing dingbats eat from the sheeple stew, gladly accepting the memo laying atop. Let's review a more unsavory aspects of this "universal health bill." Erza Klein over at the Washington Post decided to do some sleuth work and located some interesting information:
I looked for insurance in Irvine, Calif. -- my home town. The average monthly premiums of the five cheapest plans is $114. So I took the middle plan, HealthNet’s IFP PPO Value 4500. It’s got a $4,500 deductible, a $2,500 deductible for brand-name medications, huge co-pays and a little “bestseller” icon next to it. And it’s only $109 a month -- if they’ll sell it to you for that price.
Wait there's more
Click to buy the plan and eventually you’ll have to answer pages and pages of questions about your health history. Ever had cancer? How about an ulcer? How about a headache? Do you feel sad when it rains? When it doesn’t rain? Is there a history of cardiovascular disease in your family? Have you ever known anyone who had the flu? The actual cost of the plan will depend on how you answer those questions.
Add all of this mess to the fluctuating obesity numbers, poor nutrition choices and those of us who are healthy will be paying thousands more for others. Obamacare does need to be stripped down, to the bones with the skin discarded. Sure, health coverage in America needs to change. Consider tort reform or other measures - this nightmare to arrive next year? It isn't health care once the IRS gets involved. 

Frank E.B.
Opinion Editorial

USA Today

Monday, September 9, 2013

NSA Can Look Into Our Usage: This Isn't a Surprise

The Guardian with the New York Times blew open a story regarding the NSA attack against its citizens. Memos and additional information were retrieved, showing the NSA was accessing citizen records. The access went as deep as medical records and even your child's school records. This "anti-terrorist" agency has a swollen budget of over $300 million annually. So, far the agency has spent well over $1 billion dollars for its "anti-terrorist" tactics. 

How many bozos believed this shit? For years, free thinkers have urged their blinded liberal friends and GOP glopper friends about the kool-aid. Both Republicans and Democrats in Washington support the NSA, and stated it is needed. This is something you should be aware of.

The government doesn't give a damn about YOU. 

During the political debates (which are a joke) the real issues are never uncovered. Ron Paul tried bringing some into the mix and was declined, cut off or slammed down. During the debate of Romney/Obama did the NSA pop up for questioning? (they've been around for years), did the expansion of the Privacy Act work its way into the debate? How about chemtrails? No, none of these items were covered, because the DISTRACTIONS were used - social issues should be decided by the public, not the politicians. Abortion, marriage, religion- should never be used as a foundation of politics, these are basic, personal and PRIVATE decisions. 

Yet, it is, to hide the true motives. These good ole boy are hugging and laughing behind your back. The NSA and PRISM now has revealed their motives to even the sheeple. Here are some great items of interest: from the Guardian

Through these covert partnerships, the agencies have inserted secret vulnerabilities – known as backdoors or trapdoors – into commercial encryption software.The files, from both the NSA and GCHQ, were obtained by the Guardian, and the details are being published today in partnership with the New York Times and ProPublica. They reveal:• A 10-year NSA program against encryption technologies made a breakthrough in 2010 which made "vast amounts" of data collected through internet cable taps newly "exploitable".• The NSA spends $250m a year on a program which, among other goals, works with technology companies to "covertly influence" their product designs.• The secrecy of their capabilities against encryption is closely guarded, with analysts warned: "Do not ask about or speculate on sources or methods."• The NSA describes strong decryption programs as the "price of admission for the US to maintain unrestricted access to and use of cyberspace".• A GCHQ team has been working to develop ways into encrypted traffic on the "big four" service providers, named as Hotmail, Google, Yahoo and Facebook.
See more by clicking the article link to: Guardian Breakthrough on the NSA

Basically, for us free thinkers- this is NO surprise, but maybe for once, our brothers and sisters of Liberal and Republican hearts can release the R and D chains. Stop being represented by a fat elephant and a jackass. Start thinking and trust me you will act!

Written by:
Frank E.B.
Opinion Editorial

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Ridiculous Fast Food Strike

Want to know how much the average Masters Graduate makes when they leave college?
Want to know the amount of PhD holders out of work?
Want to know how many families work second jobs to put food on the table?

The lunacy of the fast food strike is unwarranted, unmerited and most off all? Disgusting. I'm the farthest person from regulation and laws- but the fact these cholesterol increasing, heart attack waiting franchises exist, angers me. But, hey I did it when I was teen and a larger majority of society, has at some point, worked in fast food.

Bitchy managers? Welcome to life. Backstabbing co-workers? That's the working world for you. What I can't actualize in my head is the demand. $15/hr. Oh, and a union. The dark empty guffaw just cannot find its way from my throat. McDonald's can afford it!- is the mantra ringing in the streets. But, can their customers? An average meal at McDonald's has risen to over $6. There are mom and pop shops across America who will give you a home-cooked meal for that or even less.

There's a small diner we visit in our town. A family of four, and we walk away from the restaurant full, content and  spend only $22 including tip. The waitress always brings the kids ice-cream and crayons and we have such a great time, it's like a big extended family. Let's quote something over from NBC News:

The National Restaurant Association has countered that only about 5 percent of fast-food workers earn the minimum wage. Other defenders of the industry note that increased wage costs will be passed onto consumers.
"The restaurant industry provides opportunity to over 13 million Americans with jobs that meet critical needs within our economy. We welcome a national discussion on wages, but it should be based on facts. The restaurant industry is the nation's second largest private sector employer and our industry is an industry of opportunity," said Scott DeFife, executive vice president of policy and government affairs at the National Restaurant Association.
"Nine out of ten salaried restaurant workers, including owners and managers, started as hourly workers. The fact is, only five percent of restaurant employees earn the minimum wage and those that do are predominantly working part-time and half are teenagers," DeFife added.
Stats are a bitch aren't they? Hell, it's all about making noise isn't it? I used to be a government employee (yeah shame on me) - I learned thereafter what a joke it all was. It's one of the reasons I walked out. Here was this union and these assholes making $40k annually, bitching about not making more. From the pockets of the overtaxed, overworked citizens of this country. A larger portion of fast food workers also receive government assistance. My God, how much more is needed?

This country was built for a tolerance of assistance, not a demand of dependence. The economy sucks- that does't give a green light to anyone to demand others to pay for it. Because, guess what? That's exactly what will happen. You think the corporation will pay for it? Uh, no sir. The corporation passes the expenses to the common man. My best advice? Work hard, aim for a promotion and if all else fails? Find a different avenue of opportunity or create one for yourself.

Written by:
L. Saline
User Submitted 
References: NBC

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Will Obama Realize the Public Doesn't Want More War?

Obama sauntered up to his podium throne. With his teleprompter best tone, he firmly reprimanded Syria against their chemical attacks, which killed over 1,400 people. So, what's Obama's best idea to combat this? Drone the fuck out of the country by launching war. A sigh soured his speech, Americans are tired of these schmucks taking up residence and blowing people apart for their hidden agendas.

Remember, the outrage from Liberals when ole W wanted to launch war against Iraq?

The same gripes Pelosi makes above is the exact complaints she should be making against Obama. Yet, it was Pelosi who backed Obama's decision on Syria. Obama has decided to read a line from the Constitution and allow Congress to determine the path of war. Obama's days in the White House are coming to a close, so Congress better watch their choices, as Americans who believe in the voting system are watching very carefully. It is this ruse that hopefully will make them slam the proposal down.

America has NO business in this war. None. Fewer are the reasons and people are sick of this administration and the last with their thin line of bullshit. Obama is leaving office soon enough, but how much damage is he looking to complete before he does? It's about damn time Congress figures out this mess, because sooner than later- Americans are going to take a stand and overthrow those who do not make the right decisions.

Speak out and speak now.

Written by:
A. Neeham
User Submitted

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Entitlement of a Bad Customer

Profanity laced warning...

Mostly everyone reading this has at some point, worked in customer service, to some degree. Lately, it seems the mantra of "bad customer service" is coming from bad customers. In this world of entitlement is resounding a louder scream of what shouldn't be. Sure, there are shitty workers out there, no one is denying that but further yet are the shitty customers. How to spot and avoid being a shitty customer?

  • If you're freaking out about a $50 off a $200 cell phone, you live in a world of superficial denial. Quit losing your mind about a fucking cell phone. Quit taking a shit on employees who have no control over price. Screaming louder and becoming a bigger dick just shows how detached your ass is from reality.
  • So, McDonald's forgot your french fries. Errors happen, these underpaid workers are forced to work intense hours and move at the speed of light to make sure your arteries stay clogged. If you're pissed off at your boss, aim it properly. Park the car, go in and get your damn fries, trust me, walking shouldn't be the biggest of your concerns when driving through a fast-food joint. 
  • Wal-Mart just sold the last of the $20 Blu-Ray players. Ah man, you mean you're going to have to wait?! That $8/hr employer deserves to get your wrath over something they have no control over right? Piss off and wait.
  • Debt collectors are hired to collect a debt you didn't pay. Sure, make up an excuse and hang up. Pretend to be Rosita the Spanish neighbor and say you moved out. Screaming at these employees and telling them to get a real job is stupid as hell. They do have a real job, their doing it, so try being a bit more empathetic to their situation. They talk to a lot of shumcks all day and they have families too, and don't appreciate death threats,
This is one big cycling wheel of nonsense. Blame it on Washington, the elitists or the few who hold the control factors on this planet, but stop blaming one another. The veil of distraction relies on anger, and murder of one another. Start being nice. Sure, you can't cure assholes, but you can prevent becoming one yourself. Surprise someone with a thank you, a politely placed lie -- at least something! 

User submitted from:
Ginger K.E.