The Guardian with the New York Times blew open a story regarding the NSA attack against its citizens. Memos and additional information were retrieved, showing the NSA was accessing citizen records. The access went as deep as medical records and even your child's school records. This "anti-terrorist" agency has a swollen budget of over $300 million annually. So, far the agency has spent well over $1 billion dollars for its "anti-terrorist" tactics.
How many bozos believed this shit? For years, free thinkers have urged their blinded liberal friends and GOP glopper friends about the kool-aid. Both Republicans and Democrats in Washington support the NSA, and stated it is needed. This is something you should be aware of.
The government doesn't give a damn about YOU.
During the political debates (which are a joke) the real issues are never uncovered. Ron Paul tried bringing some into the mix and was declined, cut off or slammed down. During the debate of Romney/Obama did the NSA pop up for questioning? (they've been around for years), did the expansion of the Privacy Act work its way into the debate? How about chemtrails? No, none of these items were covered, because the DISTRACTIONS were used - social issues should be decided by the public, not the politicians. Abortion, marriage, religion- should never be used as a foundation of politics, these are basic, personal and PRIVATE decisions.
Yet, it is, to hide the true motives. These good ole boy are hugging and laughing behind your back. The NSA and PRISM now has revealed their motives to even the sheeple. Here are some great items of interest: from the Guardian
Through these covert partnerships, the agencies have inserted secret vulnerabilities – known as backdoors or trapdoors – into commercial encryption software.The files, from both the NSA and GCHQ, were obtained by the Guardian, and the details are being published today in partnership with the New York Times and ProPublica. They reveal:• A 10-year NSA program against encryption technologies made a breakthrough in 2010 which made "vast amounts" of data collected through internet cable taps newly "exploitable".• The NSA spends $250m a year on a program which, among other goals, works with technology companies to "covertly influence" their product designs.• The secrecy of their capabilities against encryption is closely guarded, with analysts warned: "Do not ask about or speculate on sources or methods."• The NSA describes strong decryption programs as the "price of admission for the US to maintain unrestricted access to and use of cyberspace".• A GCHQ team has been working to develop ways into encrypted traffic on the "big four" service providers, named as Hotmail, Google, Yahoo and Facebook.See more by clicking the article link to: Guardian Breakthrough on the NSA
Basically, for us free thinkers- this is NO surprise, but maybe for once, our brothers and sisters of Liberal and Republican hearts can release the R and D chains. Stop being represented by a fat elephant and a jackass. Start thinking and trust me you will act!
Written by:
Frank E.B.
Opinion Editorial
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