

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Top Five Reason the United States is in a Downward Spiral


     Much too often lies the common misplacement of how much better the United States is above other countries. This fallacy promoted by the "patriots" of this country continue to draw the shades down over the level of abuse. It's like permitting the beating of a wife from a husband because he provides for her the basic necessities. Excusing the act, promotes the abuse. Fact after revealing fact continue to be seen, yet millions of people bury their heads in the sand. Purposely. This top five list isn't inclusive, it is merely the tip of the dreary and gray ice-berg.

     1. An Ever Increasing Police State and Prison System

The business of keeping drugs illegal for profit and power. Many for profit police departments that rely on yearly confiscations for budgets that in turn create an epidemic of erroneous raids on home-owners which result in untold numbers of murdered canines and injured family members. A prison system so financially large, that it’s traded on the Wall Street Stock Exchange. With a prison population that’s nearly the same as the whole worlds countries combined. Fortune 500 companies also use prisoners as slave-wage employees. Multiplying random checkpoints by TSA and DHS with 30,000 airborne mostly armed drones under 500 feet per FAA guidelines, monitoring more and more of our every move per the new healthcare law by 2014.

2.       Political Correctness

The facade of freedom under a meaningless Constitution of a dead republic. Freedom of speech has been dissipated with laws like “hate speech”. Where now speaking out against the President can earn someone a felony. Another detestable example would be the felony for “annoying” a police officer in New York City. It’s logical to point to the illustrative facts of the non-existence of “freedom of speech.” Religion, particularly Christianity is being persecuted. Viable options should be welcomed, this is supposedly the “land of the free,” yet religion gets persecuted in the name of another religious movement; Atheism.

3.       Economic Freedom

 Fascist oligarchy, voting for a blatantly corrupt bought and paid for system of pre-selected oligarchical employees who make no actual decisions, and merely continue policies that carry out the elite’s most lucrative business of war. The tax code is as close to communistic as it gets which punishes an individual for working and making more money. There is no incentive to create business or even go to school for anything with the structure that’s continually increased in order to work more for less.

4.       Freedom of Choice

Oligarchical monopolies have the market cornered. You have no real options for purchasing goods. Wal-Mart nets the GDP of Norway by bullying local manufacturers and suppliers to lower their prices to artificially manipulated Chinese currency. Small business owners lose much business to the Wal-Mart monopoly. Oligarchical regulations, meaning government slash banks and insurance companies keep the market further pinned down; except to the wealthy who can afford the red tape monies required to start a business to allow for competition in the market place. Hence if there are no incentives for anybody to even attempt free market competition, you have none.

5.       Main Stream Media

 If a populace is mostly herded by the sociology then you cannot have individuality (freedom) without scrutiny. If someone’s perception goes outside of the box to only have it attacked by the rest of the herd then you no longer have a free country. You have the land of the sheep and home of the slaves. If the only argument one can hold against any of this is perhaps the proven decline of other communistic countries, then what you have yourself is a willfully ignorant country of Stockholm syndrome prisoners. Too scared to realize they will be effected or much more effected sooner than they think. Allowing the crutch of technology to become a reliance and individual, rather than an assistant. 

Frank E.B.
Opinion Editorial

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